¨ William Fredrick Cooper¨
By Andree Michelle
Who is this man
So deep in soul
Who cries out to the world
This Story must be told
Who is William Fredrick Cooper
A vulnerable man
With a heart that bleeds tears
Who unburdened his soul
And revealed his deepest fears
Who is William Fredrick Cooper
Can such an honest hearted man
Truly pave the way
For all sensitive men
Who have something to say
Who is William Fredrick Cooper
He is a loving, kind
Passionate young man
Who despite many obstacles
Has made his own stand
He revealed to the world
A man that women could not see
But when they got a glimpse of his heart
They all searched for the key
He is both lion and lamb
Strong enough to shed tears
A man that we have all been searching for
For so many years
Welcome William Fredrick Cooper
-Copyright 2003